Your expression for the love of music comes out in many ways. Your music collection is a testimony of how much you adore music. But are there times you love yours blues, indie, emo, or alternative songs more than others?
Depending on the time, your love for music varies. There are moments you will prefer watching your music videos to listening to the blues or alternative songs. This is all natural. You feel and experience things differently from time to time in life. And your preference for music at these times also changes. However, this does not mean that you love music any less, but you just like listening to a different type at that point in time.
You can love music all the time. Conspicuously topping this list are musician and all people who work in the field. They live and breathe music. They wake up to music and sleep with it. You will be surprised that you appreciate and love music in a similar manner. That is why you always have the emo, indie or blues song quietly playing at the back of your mind. You find yourself humming to it endlessly. It is forever strumming your heart. Even without carrying your ipod with you, it just keeps on playing. That is how you love music at all times.
One of the best times to love music is during the early years of your life. Although this happens naturally, taking the time to know music and understand it is quite satisfying. Sampling different music is equally beautiful. Find out what your friends listen to. Start owning a collection. Listening to music as a hobby, make it enjoyable. You can also learn to draw lessons from it. The result is that you grow to deeply appreciate music as an art. That is what happens when you love from tender years.
You can love music more depending on the happenings in your life. You tend to love music more when going through tough times in life. You play it often and it seems you can’t get enough of it. Such instances are marked by moments of grief, a failed relationship, loss of a job, or simple misfortune in life. This is when your emo, indie or alternative music comes into play. You hear it differently and the words hold new meaning. Such are the times you can love music more.
You enjoy music the most when life is good to you and you can help but express your joy. This is where you go out to celebrate with people you hold dear. You love the blues and indie songs being played in the background. Sometimes, you can’t help but dance to it. Everything at this time is perfect. This is when you have met your dream girl or have just bought a new house or car. Colors appear brighter and life is full of promises. This is a good time for you to love music. So go on and enjoy every beat of it!
By: digband.music.00
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